International Prayer Meetings with Fr. James Manjackal

Fr. James prays in English for the sick and for all the world on YouTube
Attend alive to receive a healing or any sort of blessing!

These Healing Prayer Meetings will be held the first saturday of every month at 15.30 hr Berlin time.

 Meetings are being broadcasted in several languanges. The links will be published in this webpage.

Link for the YouTube playlist with the previous Prayer Meetings

Click here if you wish to know the exact time of the next meeting just in your place!. Click here for other places.

English link for next prayer meeting on Saturday 5th - 3.30 pm Berlin time

Malayalam Stream Live streams
English Live Streams
Czech & Slovak YouTube Playlist
German Stream Live Streams
Portuguese Stream Live Streams 
Polish Stream Live Streams
Croatian Stream Live Streams
French Stream Live Streams

Italian Stream Live Streams


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