Praise the Lord!
Fr. James Manjackal - 51 years of Priesthood 
1973 - 2024

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Praise the Lord!

Father James Manjackal M.S.F.S




Retreats of Fr. James 2024Photos & Reports 2024
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St. Francis of SalesSacred Heart of Jesus
Father's Love LetterInternational News
How to help Fr. JamesRead the Bible daily
Faith Evoking Photos
What is wrong with Homeopathy
Yoga in philosophy and practice is incompatible with Christianity
Syro-Malabar Church says yoga is incompatible with Christianity
Last book of Fr. James: I Saw the Eternity 

DEUS CARITAS EST - Benedict XVI Encyclical letter

Click here for the Vatican document about Esoteric and New Age

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